Methods to Protect Against Malware

Do you know that 90% of personal computers are infected with Malware? If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you probably are already a victim. To
keep it short, Malware is a malicious software used to infiltrate a computer
system. It can be used to steal personal banking details and install annoying softwares. Below will show you 8 ways to prevent you to become the next victim of identity theft.

1. Keep Your Windows Up to Date
Keeping your computer updated is highly recommended. Update your windows help patch up loopholes that malwares might intrude. Using newer version of Windows is highly recommended has it has better protection. If you are using Windows XP, be sure to install Windows XP SP2 or SP3.

2. Use a Safe Browser for Surfing
Using a safe browser will greatly reduce your risk of getting malware. If you are using IE 7.0 or below, I greatly encourage you to update to IE 8.0 for better security features. Internet explorer has always been the main target of hackers and using an older IE makes you prone to malwares.

3. Install Anti Virus Software
Installing an anti virus is your best prevention again Malware. It automatically blocks viruses and malwares while your surf the web. Invest in a good anti virus software like Kaspersky or Norton and remember to update frequently to block out the latest viruses.

4. Enabling Firewall
A firewall is like a filter to help protect against hackers or viruses. Always enable your firewall to prevent miscellaneous connections to your computer. It also helps prevent hackers from intruding your computer.

5. Avoid Opening Unknown Attachments
Malwares and viruses tend to spread through emails easily. Hackers try all means of using misleading subject titles to trick you into opening the attachments. Once you opened the attachment, it will automatically install malicious programs without your notice. So if you ever receive emails claiming are your friend or banker, always double check the sender's email to make sure. If unsure, then play safe by not opening it.

6. Installing Anti Spy Ware Tools
Other than anti virus software, you will also need to install anti spy ware tools. It can detect spywares and malwares easily. A software I would recommend is SpyBot Search & Destroy. The Immunize feature will patch up all common loopholes. Run it every month to search for spywares on your computer.

7. Using a Restricted User Account
Unknown to many users, using the default Administrator account makes you an easy target to malwares and viruses. Best practice is to create a normal user account with password protection without administrator privileges. Only use an administrator account went installing trusted software.

8. Clearing Temporary Internet Files
When surfing the web, you may download malicious programs when accessing some untrusted websites. It is best to clear your temporary internet files once in a while to clean out the malwares.


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