Methods to Protect Against Malware

Do you know that 90% of personal computers are infected with Malware? If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you probably are already a victim. To
keep it short, Malware is a malicious software used to infiltrate a computer
system. It can be used to steal personal banking details and install annoying softwares. Below will show you 8 ways to prevent you to become the next victim of identity theft.

1. Keep Your Windows Up to Date
Keeping your computer updated is highly recommended. Update your windows help patch up loopholes that malwares might intrude. Using newer version of Windows is highly recommended has it has better protection. If you are using Windows XP, be sure to install Windows XP SP2 or SP3.

2. Use a Safe Browser for Surfing
Using a safe browser will greatly reduce your risk of getting malware. If you are using IE 7.0 or below, I greatly encourage you to update to IE 8.0 for better security features. Internet explorer has always been the main target of hackers and using an older IE makes you prone to malwares.

3. Install Anti Virus Software
Installing an anti virus is your best prevention again Malware. It automatically blocks viruses and malwares while your surf the web. Invest in a good anti virus software like Kaspersky or Norton and remember to update frequently to block out the latest viruses.

4. Enabling Firewall
A firewall is like a filter to help protect against hackers or viruses. Always enable your firewall to prevent miscellaneous connections to your computer. It also helps prevent hackers from intruding your computer.

5. Avoid Opening Unknown Attachments
Malwares and viruses tend to spread through emails easily. Hackers try all means of using misleading subject titles to trick you into opening the attachments. Once you opened the attachment, it will automatically install malicious programs without your notice. So if you ever receive emails claiming are your friend or banker, always double check the sender's email to make sure. If unsure, then play safe by not opening it.

6. Installing Anti Spy Ware Tools
Other than anti virus software, you will also need to install anti spy ware tools. It can detect spywares and malwares easily. A software I would recommend is SpyBot Search & Destroy. The Immunize feature will patch up all common loopholes. Run it every month to search for spywares on your computer.

7. Using a Restricted User Account
Unknown to many users, using the default Administrator account makes you an easy target to malwares and viruses. Best practice is to create a normal user account with password protection without administrator privileges. Only use an administrator account went installing trusted software.

8. Clearing Temporary Internet Files
When surfing the web, you may download malicious programs when accessing some untrusted websites. It is best to clear your temporary internet files once in a while to clean out the malwares.


GPS Tracking Systems

Businesses today are very well accustomed to the increasing benefits that can be
delivered through the considered and appropriate application of technology. These potential benefits extend into the application of GPS vehicle tracking systems to provide a basis for substantial increases in fleet dispatching efficiencies.Of course GPS vehicle tracking is not a new capability. It has been used by ambitious company owners for years. The first adopters of vehicle tracking technology were quickly able to deliver their companys a competitive advantage.
Because it was able to deliver clear immediate benefits, GPS vehicle tracking has quickly gone mainstream. The technology is being employed by a range of businesses such as plumbers, heating engineers, electrical and general contractors and construction companies, as well as several other business sectors that utilise fleet vehicles.

Just one of the ways in which GPS fleet tracking is able to provide a tangible benefit is through improved dispatching. When dispatchers know the exact location of company vehicles, they can clearly dispatch the vehicle closest to any job site with a much greater degree of confidence. As well as saving fuel and reducing phone calls to drivers in the field, this can also increase customer satisfaction through vastly improved response times.

This goes hand in hand with routing efficiencies. By watching vehicles en route, dispatchers can monitor drivers to ensure that they take the most direct route to any job site.

In addition, many tracking solutions can show both present-time location and also a record of the route so far, so owners know where their drivers have travelled and where they are heading. By combining this location and time-based information, fleet owners can track the exact number of hours to apportion to customers as well as verify employee hours worked.

With historical data, GPS tracking can also provide a record of when an employee starts a vehicle, when he arrives or leaves a job site, and when the vehicle is shut off. Fleet owners can thus easily establish precisely how long each employee has worked at each site and how long they worked during the entire day.

Some GPS tracking systems can also be extended to incorporate time/billing information into back office applications to automate payroll. By eliminating manual time sheets, fleet owners save considerable time in back office productivity. In addition, automated payroll often translates into more accurate billing and fewer overtime hours.

Another major benefit of GPS vehicle tracking is the capability to record any unauthorised usage. This includes out-of-hours usage by employees, as well as protection from theft. If a vehicle is used out of normal working hours, business owners can be notified. If a vehicle were to be stolen, then the vehicle tracking device will be able to giv ethe vehicle's precise location. This considerably improves retrieval times and reduces the amount of damage that a vehicle may experience if stolen.

To conclude, for businesses with vehicle fleets, the ability to track the fleet and make intelligent use of this data can lead to very substantial operational savings.


Registry Repair Tools to Sort Your Windows Media Player Issues

Sorting Windows Media Player issues using registry repair tools sound pretty odd to the listener as both
of these seem to come from completely different domains. Yes, they do come from different domains but there will hardly be anything on your computer that will not have a link to the registry of your Windows Operating System in one way or the other. Registry keeps a track of all the applications and makes their executions registered in form of keys and classes. However, there are instances where your Windows Media Player cannot connect to the Internet showing any error.

Registry repair tools are the perfect tools to be used up in such a situation because this problem persists in your computer due to the ForceOnline registry value in the registry tree. The Preference class in the Registry tree of Microsoft is damaged in a way and needs to be altered using some steps. You can make use of the manual registry editor to do this but this is considered to be a risky job as you might lose everything in just a single click.

Complete registry cleaning tools take up all your jobs when you are trying to resolve all issues related to the registry of your Windows. This is something free registry repair Microsoft tools and Microsoft registry cleaner Vista tools have been unable to resolve completely. Quality paid registry repair products will give you the comfort that you expect by creating the necessary entries and deleting the entries that are not required. By cutting short the class tree of Media Player from all the empty keys and similar entities, the tool is going to create the DWORD registry value with the name of ForceOnline having default value of 1 resolving connectivity issues with your Media Player. Registry repair tools resolve all issues related to Codecs in your Windows Media Player giving you a seamless experience with entertainment.


Wireless Technology Brings Changes to Medical Field

The progress of the medical field was merely relying on the improvement of medicine and medical skills
traditionally, for example, researching the new medicine which is able to cure the disease; finding the new way to treat patients. The wireless communication was always supplementary, which only played a role in the first aid communication.

More and mire patients need the personalized treatment at the present time, therefore, more and more advanced wireless technologies are applied in the medical field. The wireless communication will have a big influence on the future medical model and patients. The applications of the wireless communication can breakthrough the tie of wired network and transmit the data to doctor; therefore, it will save the time and money of the patient and improve the efficiency of paramedics.

Paramedics can acquire the useful information of patients, such as the medical history, inspection result and other vital signs, through the movable terminal. So they can contact with the patients more effectively and do the high-quality treatment. Doctors record the result of ward rounds, and find out the situation of the patient by comparing the historical record. Thus the treatment can be accurately made. The timely record of the situations will avoid some duplication of work and the related mistakes.

Actually, the development of the wireless technology promotes the emergence of wireless medical. The traditional medical model has entered into a changing time. The wireless technologies, such as 3G, WLAN, FRID, had greatly changed the way of health care service and brought more possibilities to the patients. More and more people are concerning the medical network at the present time. This technology aims to make the doctor meet the requirement of patients, such as the remote monitor, tracking system. All in all, the wireless technology is able to offer help to the patients from their hospital time to leaving hospital.